Wisdom teeth are the third molars found on the back of the tongue, right behind your wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth will usually come in at or around your early twenties or late teens. However, if your teeth have been impacted, it suggests that they haven’t emerged through the regular gum line yet. What then is the best time for wisdom teeth removal? There are a few things that you can do to ensure the longevity of these important teeth.

During your first visit with your dentist, they will determine whether you are a candidate for wisdom teeth removals. This will be determined by your current state of dental health as well as other factors. The best time for this procedure is actually any time after your initial wisdom teeth removal, but before any subsequent surgery. During the time of your surgery, you may experience some soreness or tenderness in the mouth. While this is to be expected, nothing should prevent you from going ahead with the recovery process.

If you’ve had your wisdom teeth pulled, do you ask: “Can my wisdom teeth grow back? “ 

The simple answer: No, but you could already have an extra set of wisdom teeth in wait. How is that possible? It seems a small percentage of the population have extra or supernumerary teeth in their mouths, and attribute this condition primarily to genetic disorders.

This means that if you have wisdom teeth removals, you may need to have another procedure done to remove this third molar, that extra set of wisdom teeth. This means additional surgery and healing procedures for your dental hygiene needs.



How bad is wisdom tooth removal pain?

When you have an impacted extraction, there will be some inflammation present as well as swelling. This is generally seen after three to five days. Some patients report less pain after a wisdom tooth extraction, but most report some level of pain after the procedure. You will likely be given pain medication and directions on what you can and cannot eat following the process.

You may feel some pressure or pain while having your wisdom teeth removed. Your dental professional will likely want to use an ice pack on your mouth to manage this swelling. They will place it on your jaw near your wisdom teeth and let it stay in place for a few minutes. This will help relieve the swelling and ease the pain. This is usually done and repeated during the recovery period.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure – How it’s performed

With wisdom teeth removed through a simple surgical procedure, the anaesthesia used will not be as strong as it would be if you were having a dental surgery involving anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is usually reserved for these procedures because it is easier to administer. Anaesthesia is typically given through IV; the drug is being absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This reduces the risk of complications. It also makes the recovery period much faster.

You can expect your dentist to remove impacted wisdom teeth during a single sitting. It will take about two hours to perform this procedure, and the patient will be able to go home the same day. The impacted tooth will have to be cleaned thoroughly before your dentist puts it in place. The dentist may sedate you before removing the affected tooth. This reduces the chance of any pain or discomfort once the sedation has been administered. After the tooth has been cleaned and sedated, your dentist will place stitches in place and apply antibiotic cream to help prevent infection from occurring.

If you have multiple impacted wisdom teeth to be removed, the surgery will take longer than usual. For this reason, it is always recommended that you schedule several consultations with your cosmetic surgeon. Your surgeon will evaluate your oral health and discuss which surgical techniques are best for you. As your jaw becomes healthier, the number of your wisdom teeth could diminish as well. It is always recommended that you schedule a second and third consultation with your surgeon to ensure that the surgery is performed as smoothly as possible.